Monday 17 May 2010

The Gym Saga

Earlier in the year I spoke about the wish to be ‘retained’ by one of the two gyms I had recently been a member of. I thought you might like a little update.

I did rejoin one of the two gyms (it was the one with a favorite piece of equipment) for three months in January at a total cost of just over £50 a month. Despite going 4 days a week and trying a couple of classes I felt the same as I did when I finished the last stint. Throughout the membership I did not receive a call or inquiry as to how I was getting on but even so I was surprised that when my membership did expire I still didn’t receive a call. That said, a week later I did receive an email offering me the chance to renew. I replied but it wasn’t to renew.

Fortunately salvation was at hand because during the three months a trust owned gym was getting a significant refurbishment. Better still they were offering monthly prime time membership in the heart of London for £19.95 (excluding classes) if you joined online and there was no joining fee either. I took a peek and while it was not quite up to the standard of my previous gym it was pretty good and had over 100 pieces of cv equipment, clean changing rooms, a badminton court (might be useful if I dust off the 1980’s Yonex?) and a small functional training zone too.

I am now into my second month and enjoying myself immensely. No one has asked me how I am getting on or made a customer service call but at least I am only paying £19.95 a month to be ignored!