Wednesday 18 February 2009

Don’t believe everything you read/watch!

It’s not all doom and gloom!!

Last week LIW conducted research (via surveymonkey which is a fantastic tool) to over 200 health clubs and gyms and findings were interesting and very encouraging. In almost direct contrast to the Bleak Britain Corporation in fact.

44.6% of respondents said that recruitment of members had been ‘much better’ or ‘better’ than expected while only 16.7% said it had been ‘worse’ or ‘much worse’ than expected.

43.1% of respondents had more members than last year while 23.8% had less members than last year.

54.9% of respondents said they would be investing in new equipment this year and 25.4% of those would be spending more than £50,000.

68% of respondents were feeling ‘very’ or ‘quite’ confident about their business while only 5.8% were not feeling ‘not very’ or ‘not at all’ confident.

86.4% of respondents were considering visiting LIW to source new equipment and suppliers.

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